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How Businesses are Getting Benefited from the Hype of On-Demand Apps Amidst COVID-19

Despite where you are, there is a high possibility that your life is been affected by the pandemic. COVID-19 has had drastic repercussions all across the world. Considering the fast spread of the virus through human contact, many countries government has asked the citizens to stay indoors when not needed outdoors. And when people are indoors for long their needs for getting information and utilities within their premises increase. Here, this gives rise to the need for certain apps that can make people’s lives easier. Hence, many businesses think to hire android app developers to make the job easier for the citizens in these hard times.

In such a situation, many of the already present apps in the market have experienced a great boom whereas other businesses are moving forward to adapt to this culture. Hence, the need for on-demand apps is giving a boom to the app development market. 

How is On-Demand App Helpful for your Business?

At these hard times amidst COVID-19, where everyone is scared of meeting anyone, the businesses running in essential good sectors need to invest some of their saving in on-demand apps to hire mobile app developers for the creation of an out-of-box customer-friendly app.

Do you know a grocery application if developed properly by the developer it can effectively take the place of a physical grocery store staying in the virtual world? Ensuring that your online store on an app-only accept paperless transactions with proper ration stocks in to ordered by the customers and easy to navigate delivery maps makes the demand of your store more in the market. And this same model can easily be used to create other businesses apps, such as pharmacies. 

Similarly, instead of taking your way and time to visit the fuel station to get the fuel, a business thinks of creating an app that delivers the fuel right at your customer’s doorsteps. Through an online medical consultation app, become a bridge between the patients and healthcare providers for better, easier and safe touch consultation. 

All-in-all, being a small but all-time needed business you need an on-demand app that can help customers in these tough times and restricts mobility. The good app build will also ensure you won’t lack behind in the game against your competitors making things easier for you and your customers. Hence, it is necessary to hire android app developers who are experienced and experts in building apps.

Types of On-Demand Apps


The B2B on-demand apps connect one business with another business. Businesses hire mobile app developers in this case to not to provide service but act as a facilitator.


In B2C on-demand app creation businesses offer services and products to the end-users. This app development model is opted by the companies that can deliver services to the doorsteps, like dominos.


This model of the on-demand app is offered from one end-user to another end-user. In this, the app is created by the user to offer products or services to be purchased by another user.

Benefits of On-demand Delivery Applications


An on-demand application that is customized is profitable for business owners. They will save a lot on their transportation expenses. In on-demand applications, contractors use their own transportation.


Will the speed of light, customers can easily order for his or her daily utility needs and live life contactless with the help of the right app available at a finger click. All the things from ordering to payment can easily be done through an app.


The best and most beneficial thing about an on-demand app is its benefit to using. One can easily place the order for his/her needs right from their couch. Smart features such as real-time tracker, smart search, payment methods, in-app messaging, and quick delivery make it easier and convenient.

4.Perfect for every business

The best reasons behind these apps are that they are popular to be used amongst all kinds of businesses. The apps can easily be customized depending on the needs of the businesses irrespective of their type, sector, and size. It is easy for digital marketing agency to promote the one demand application. 

How can you prepare your business for an on-demand app?

1.Choose your industry

For some industries, on-demand businesses are more suitable and for many geographies too. Making the choice which is right is important to start a robust footing. The industry choice should be dependent on your capital needs, regulatory framework, background, experience, and other factors.

2.Research market, competition, and customers

The business model idea might look unique and novel but is this market ready for the change? The customer base you are targeting is ready for the change? Will they adopt it? There are multiple related questions that might keep you think for long. The answer might be yes! Sometimes replicating the big name can also give you a good business locally as you have a lot of answers backed with the research.

3.Business model & app idea 

For a business, an on-demand app is not just a backbone but is the different limbs of business-production, delivery partner, customer, store, and much more. This is why it is important to identify the business before going to hire a mobile app developer for developing an app. When the model of the app is final and perfectly suits your business, then start working on the various features of the app.

4.App features & tech-stack

Now when you have decided the business and know what you exactly want from the app, it is time to take the expert technical help where you can identify & list many hidden and visible features of all the applications, web services, and web applications. As soon as the list of functionalities, constraints, and features is ready, you can set together the tech stack required to develop the app.


On-demand apps are a one-stop solution to offer functionality and benefits to your business. They are effective and efficient and help you in making the bond with the customers. The main use of the apps is to act as a backbone of the business providing it the needed support in the business ecosystem-the distributors, production site, delivery partners, and the customer.

With the integration of Analytics, AI, IoT, and Data Visualization, the future of on-demand apps look brighter. If you are someone looking to get an on-demand app to develop for your business with top-notch features then connect with iTechnolabs now! We are all you need for your business growth and functionalities in these tough times.


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