Saturday, July 27, 2024

Monthly Archives: April, 2020

Health-Boosting Super Seeds!

Health-Boosting Super Seeds! Chia seeds Hemp seeds Pumpkin seeds Flax seeds Sunflower seeds Seasame seeds CHIA Seeds It contain 60 calories, 3gm protein, 3gm fats, 5gm carbs per tablespoon. It is a good...

Importance of Media in a Democratic Nation

Democracy comprises of four main pillars viz. Legislature, Executive, Judiciary and the Media. For the smooth functioning of the democracy depends upon the strength...

All about Nutrition, Diet and Weight Management

In nutrition, diet is total food consumed by a person for health or weight-management. Complete nutrition means ingestion and absorption of vitamins, minerals, and essential...

The impact of mobile phone in human life

Introductions Mobile phone has truly become essential part of everyday human life. Taking about its impact mobile technology, affects our life in both ways positive and...

Basic knowledge of instrument, which is commonly used in industrial field’s

Most of instrument mainly used for measuring jobs parameters. And which instrument where be used depend its own parameters and its Measuring value of jobs. Most...

Easy Weight Loss Tips & Tricks

In today’s world people are consuming more calories than they burn. This will lead to obesity. Obesity is a disease in which human body start...

Everything you need to know about Digital Signage

The demand for the digital signage has increased over the years as it adds a digital layer to the experience of the customers which...

What is media and types of Media

In general, "media" refers to the tools of mass communication. Media today consists of television, the web, cinema, newspapers, radio, magazines, spam, fax, and...

All about Accounting

Accounting is the process of methodically recording, measuring and communicating information about financial transactions. The three major financial statements of accounting are the profit...

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